Peacock Playhouse

(the former Gate House)

While Mr. King lived at Kingwood, the Gate House housed two limousines and quarters for a chauffeur and night watchman. Mr. King kept a chauffeur on staff since he never learned to drive.

In 2017, the Gate House became the Peacock Playhouse in order to provide engaging experiences specifically for children. It is the home base facility for weekly Cultivation Education classes during summer months. The Peacock Playhouse is open daily 10am – 6pm. Be sure to stop and enjoy a sensory garden, the Little Garden Market playhouse, and the Storybook Trail.

Mr. King was a man who appreciated physical activity and enjoyed horseback riding, swimming, and ice skating. One of his long-time housekeepers told the story of an older Mr. King endeavoring to walk the almost three miles to Ohio Brass whenever he felt the need to get more exercise. However, the chauffeur was always instructed to follow him along the roadway, as he would choose to ride once his need to walk had been exhausted.

A Detex Watchclock key still hangs on the wall near the drinking fountain. While making security rounds, the watchman would insert the key into his watchclock providing a time stamp and a key number. Managers used watchclocks to verify that the watchman visited each security check point on schedule during each shift.

The building was remodeled following Mr. King’s death. Two garage doors were converted to large windows and other amenities added to make the space suitable for small club meetings. The tray ceiling was installed using oak from the Kingwood property. The popularity of club meetings dwindled significantly until the former Gate House sat empty and underutilized.

Another remodeling happened in 2017 transforming the Gate House into the Peacock Playhouse, a lively educational center where children can explore nature through experiential learning. The old Gate House has been brought back to life.